Donnerstag, 22. November 2012

Article to read: An Intellectual Fashion 
Donatien Grau vom Another Magazine hatte die Gelegenheit in seiner laufenden Kolumne die einzigartige Suzy Menkes zu interviewen. 

Auf die Frage was Mode und Intellektualität gemein hätten, antwortete Menkes dies:

"Fashion ultimately is 
designed to cover the human body, to give you joy, to make you feel better.
 I don’t think it has to have a great intellectual meaning"

Den Rest des kurzen, aber prägnanten Interviews findet ihr hier

Wer sich fragt wer Suzy Menkes ist (schämt euch) aber: Suzy Menkes is a legendary voice in fashion criticism. Widely acknowledged for her unique skills in unveiling new talents and commenting on every fashion show, she embodies a demanding stance to relevant fashion. The author of numerous books and essays, most recently on Hussein Chalayan, she serves as the fashion editor of the International Herald Tribune.

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